Monday 1 December 2014

CH PRO PEDALS and Linux X-Plane

The CH Pro Pedals feel like very well constructed pedals and come with no drivers meaning they are USB HID and should work out of the box.
they come with with two black plastic "plugs" to lock the sliding motion allowing them to use be used as petrol / brake controls with ease.
and while they don't weigh a lot they don't slide around on my carpet flooring.

  • With differential toe brake support and a Petrol / brake function
  • Three axis of control
  • Sliding motion of forward/backward gives rudder input for the "yaw" axis.
  • USB interface with a Seven foot cable
But sadly, while KDE detected them and they worked X-Plane did not.
this is an easy fix.

As root create a file called /etc/udev/rules.d/99-X-plane.rules or where ever your Gnu/Linux stores the rules files for udev
and enter the following on one line of text 

KERNEL=="event*", ATTRS{idProduct}=="00f2", ATTRS{idVendor}=="068e", MODE="0666"

then save and reboot and X-Plane will now detect your new Pedals
and configure as required. (I had to click the  reverse option in X Plane)

The Pedals can be bought from amazon
CH Pro Pedals USB - Flight Simulator Pedals

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